
Archive for Bartending Jobs

3 Myths About Bartending Schools and Bartending Classes


Although we meet with hundreds of new students every year, we also find that a lot of people who would sign up for bartending classes don’t do so because they hold on to misconceptions about becoming a bartender. Here are three that we encounter frequently, and the actual truth behind them:

Myth #1: You Have to be a Young Person to Become a Bartender

At our bartending school, we teach students of all ages and backgrounds how to be successful professionals. Just as some types of establishments (like nightclubs) prefer younger bartenders, there are others where the atmosphere and clientele make it easier for an older person to fit in. As with any job or career, getting a job as a bartender is all about finding the right fit.

Myth #2: You Have to Remember Hundreds of Drinks to be a Bartender

Unless you start working in a specialty establishment that focuses on cocktails, the number of drinks you’ll have to prepare and remember on a day-to-day basis is typically pretty small. By the time you finish with our bartending school, you’ll know everything you need to make 99% of the drinks you’re ever asked for. The others you’ll learn on the job, or you can find in simple guidebooks you can keep behind the bar.

Myth #3: It’s Hard to Get a Bartending Job

When it comes to finding work as a bartender, all you need is the right training, the right attitude, and a little bit of luck to meet someone who’s hiring at the right moment. We can help you find all three. After completing our class, our students have the skills they need to find & get hired at a great bartending job. Our students have a very high success rate in finding work after the course.

If you’re looking for the country’s best bartending school to help you get started in an exciting new career, then call us today to register for an upcoming class. Or, you can click here to see our course schedule.


3 Reasons Now is a Great Time for Bartending Classes

After helping thousands of people to learn about bartending and get jobs in the industry right away, we are convinced that there is never a bad time for bartending classes. But, there are a few things that make it an especially great idea right now:

1. Bartending helps you earn cash in a tough economy. One thing our graduates love about bartending is that they have the opportunity to make cash tips nightly – and often, more than they would make in a regular 9-to-5 office job. Combine that with a flexible schedule, and it can be a great way to catch up on bills, even in this tough economy.

2. Bartending is a skill that can lead to bigger things. While a lot of our graduates are happy to simply take work as a bartender and enjoy the cash and lifestyle benefits that come with it, some move on to restaurant and hotel management, to become club managers, or even to open their own establishments. Bartending makes a great introduction to all of these careers because it introduces you to a number of different concepts and gets you comfortable working with people.

3. Bartending is something you can always come back to. Learning to mix drinks and keep guests happy is a skill that you can come back to again and again in life, no matter what part of the country or the world you happen to be living in. That means it’s perfect for part-timers, those in between careers, and anyone else looking for an inexpensive way to open up some new opportunities.

Best of all, learning to be a bartender is fast, easy, and affordable. Why not call us today 604 222 8363 to reserve your spot in one of our upcoming courses, or click to see our class schedules and descriptions

Vounteer Bartending Position

Do you want to share your skills and make practical use of your bartending abilities?

The Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden is looking for volunteer bartenders with Serving It Right certification for the following events at the Garden:

Main Street Magazine Tour (http://www.bcamp.bc.ca/mainst) on August 18th

– Screaming Silently, part of Vancouver International Fringe Festival on September 10th, 13th & 14th

– Siddhartha, part of Vancouver International Fringe Festival (http://buckmancoe.com/fr_gigs.cfm) on September 15th, 16th, 17th

They may recruit multiple bartenders if need be.

Volunteer Bartender


Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden is a non-profit organization and cultural hub, passionate about connecting cultures and communities through festivals, live music, art exhibits, tours, education and wellness programs.

Your background

Possess Serving It Right certification

Strong customer service experience and friendly attitude

Punctual, responsible and professional


Be our designated Bartender, serving alcoholic and other drinks to guests

Work collaboratively with the events team including event organizers and other volunteers

Represent yourself and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in a professional manner

Time commitment

Any or all of the following:

Thursday August 18th, 7:30pm to 10:30pm

Saturday September 10th, Tuesday September 13th & Wednesday September 14th, 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Thursday September 15th, Friday September 16th & Saturday September 17th, 6:30pm to 10:30pm


Bartenders will be able to reliably liaise with at least one designated member of staff.


This is a great way to give back to fun and local community organizations by sharing your time and skills. You’ll have the

opportunity to connect with people and events while enjoying an excellent part of Vancouver’s arts and culture scene.

We will also provide a letter of recommendation upon request and serve as a reference if appropriate.


Please contact Susan Ma to apply, or if you have any questions: volunteers@vancouverchinesegarden.com or 604-662-3207 ext. 208.


Metropolitan Behind the Wood At Eat Vancouver 2011

Metropolitan graduate Emily Lorenz,  worked with the Mott’s Ceasar School for a fun filled weekend slinging drinks at the Eat Vancouver food & cooking this past weekend.

We would also like to thanks to Len Fragomeni (Toronto Institute of Bartending), Victoria Parkman and the rest of the Mott’s Caesar school staff for the great time by showing us how to make the perfect Caesar!


Sampling Summer Jobs

Coastal Promotions here in Vancouver, is looking for people to provide beer and cider sampling at various venues and events such as liquor stores and golf tournaments. This is a perfect summer job working with the public!!

Job benefits:

Flexible hours

$18.00/ hour

Mostly weekends throughout the summer

Company will provide uniforms


Out going personality

Well spoken & professional

Customer service skills


Work well independently and within a group

Willing to work weekends


For more information or send a resume, please contact Eva at evageorg@shaw.ca

Good Luck!


Balvenie Glenfiddich Malt Specialist Position In Vancouver..

Bartender/Malt Specialist / Scotch Enthusiast
Who We’re Looking For:
– Male, between the ages of 30 – 35 (can be younger if he looks within this range)
– Personable and self-motivated
– Background in alcohol beverage industry (e.g. sales, bartender, brand ambassador)
– Serving it Right certification
-Some knowledge of the scotch whisky category preferred
-Ability to conduct tastings of The Balvenie single malt range and be able to speak confidently about the brand, product and category
-Access to a car and availability for some occasional travel

Job Description:
Selected candidates will be trained and educated on The Balvenie and Glenfiddich scotch and become Malt Specialists. Malt Specialists will provide scotch tastings at retail stores and private/public events while educating the public about the product.

Compensation: $25/hour

Interviews will take place early next week, starting February 28th.

Please send photo and resume to michelle.symeonides@maclaren.com

When looking for a bartending position there are some important factors that will get you the job or not.

–       Narrow the job search to the place/environment you want to work in.  There is nothing worst then being somewhere you do not like. There is a place for everyone.

–       Tailor your resume to each particular position and company; show that you have common interests with the company. For example, if it’s a sports bar, then you’ll need to know all there is to know about sports, and you keep up on the current events in the sports world.

–       Then, when you find the place you want to work, DO the homework.  Research the company, study the menu, talk to the people that work there, ask a lot of questions, so when you get into the interview and are asked why you want to join the company, you’ll know!

–       Once you have secured the interview, this is your time to shine!!  Look the part. You have done the research, therefore you know what the staff is like, so if the men are clean-shaven, then it would be in your best interest to do the same, this is all part in selling yourself.

–       Always have something to say, and ask questions!  This shows you have interest in the company and their vision.

–       Make sure you know your sales from previous job; this will show your ambition to up sell products and promotions.

–       Smile and don’t forget get to think before you speak. It’s a lot of pressure being in an interview, However if you plan, and think about how you are going to answer the questions, this will show the employer that you can organize your thoughts under pressure, shows self confidence and will set you apart from your competition.

And remember that all metropolitan students are eligible to use our resume coaching session, and participate in the course refresher program. Your success is our success!

Good Luck!

How to get bar jobs

Bartending jobs are some of the most sought after in the hospitality industry. In Vancouver its who you know no t what you know. If you haven’t done bartending school Read More→